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General Information

Circular 1 1937 Instructions for Well Gage Observers in North Dakota
Circular 2 1938  Instructions for Observers of Municipal Wells
Circular 3 1938 Maps and Graphs Prepared for the Water Resources Committee
North Dakota State Planning Board
Circular 4 1939 Instructions for Recorders in Well Survey of North Dakota
Circular 5  1954 Well Data and Tops of Significant Wells
1955 1955 Supplement
1966 10th Revision, 1st Supplement

Oil Well Summaries


Operator/Well Name

API Number Location
17 Amerada Petrol. Corp. - #1 Benhomer Risser 33 33-053-00001 SWSE Sec. 12, T.149N., R.96W.
48 Stanolind Oil Co. - #1 Woodrow Starr 341 33-053-00014 SWSE Sec. 21, T.152N, R.94W.
113 Phillips Co. - #A-1 Hoehn 545 33-053-00116 NESE Sec. 13, T.152N., R102W.
114 California Co. - #1 Rough Creek Unit 527 33-053-00026 Sec. 13, T.148N., R.98W.
156 Amerada Petrol. Corp. - #1 Lacey-Norby 1111 33-053-00116 C Lot 10, Sec. 1, T.152N., R.95W.
159 Gulf Oil Corp. - #1 Bennie Pierre Federal 956 33-053-00078 NWSW Sec. 28, T.148N., R.104W.
241 Amerada Petrol. Corp. - #1 C.C. Mogens 1679 33-053-00295 SWSE Sec. 10, T.153N., R.96W.
245 Amerada Petrol. Corp. - #1 Antelope Unit A 2373 33-053-00410 NESW Sec. 35, T.150N., R.97W.
246 Shell Oil Co. - #32-15 No. Pacific 2469 33-053-00422 SWNE Sec. 15, T.145N., R.101W.
247 Amerada Petrol. Corp. - #1 H.H. Shelvick 1606 33-053-00285 NESW Sec. 35, T.150N., R.97W.
256 Skelly Oil Co. - #1 Otto Tank 1995 33-053-00364 NENW Sec. 34, T.152N., R.96W.
Further Information is available from Oil and Gas Division on a Subscription basis.
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Last modified: 01/09/2009